Professional Photographer...
I recently wrote a status on my personal facebook page and wanted to share on the blog as well!
I wrote:
What makes a person a professional? In my field someone may say...
Oh well just a person that owns a camera, backdrops/lights, computer, editing software.
All of that and you are automatically a professional photographer. Let me just say it's NOT just all that.
I have worked very hard for my title to be PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER. Countless hours of study, tons of hours shooting & editing,
processing tons of film and then many hours in the darkroom, practicing my craft, promoting myself, starting and running my own
business so my list can go on for days.... I just know I was born with a beautiful talent that developed into what I love and do everyday.
E.L.A. Photography has been my everything.I have been blessed with so many returning clients and have found new ones that appreciate a
professional to document their special moments. Thank you to all that have helped/supported me and seen me grow especially my parents,
my husband and friends. So please invest in a professional you won't regret it.
- Elia L. Alamillo - Rico